How to use anti-fingerprint browser? Which fingerprint brows

Time: 2023-02-11 16:56 Author: 指纹浏览器管理员 Click:
anti-fingerprint browser
How to use anti-fingerprint browser? Anti-association browsers are inseparable from Amazon's business, and the most important thing for cross-border e-commerce users is the browser's anti-association effect. However, there may be many anti-correlation browsers on the market now, which fingerprint browser is better? Which fingerprint browser do you recommend?
Fingerprint browsers are also known as super browsers, anti-association browsers and anti-fingerprint browsers. Just as everyone's fingerprints are different, so are your personal browsing habits recorded by your browser. Fingerprint browsers often form different fingerprints and apply them to different accounts with specific configurations. In this way, the query mechanism of e-commerce platforms such as Amazon is bypassed, and the anti-association with cross-border e-commerce multi-stores is effectively realized. Many users now use Fingerprint Browser because of multiple accounts.
The main features of the fingerprint browser are UserAgent batch generation, cookie separation, and browser fingerprint modification to achieve the purpose of logging in and managing multiple accounts on one computer at the same time. Logging into multiple accounts on the same computer can reduce the cost of defense by having different fingerprint information for multiple accounts.
It is usually very simple to use. You need to download the client that suits you, register an account, set up the environment, bind the IP, and use it directly.
Fingerprint browsers have many uses, and there are many fingerprint browsers on the market. It is easy for many users to choose the wrong fingerprint browser without knowing it.
If users want to choose a fingerprint browser, it is recommended to choose a bit fingerprint browser. This is a very good fingerprint browser, with very good R&D team members, dedicated to protecting cross-border e-commerce accounts.
Common cross-border platforms (Amazon, AliExpress, ebay, Wal-Mart, shopee, lazada), etc., as well as our off-site drainage channels facebook, twitter, tiktok, batch number maintenance and other social platforms, bit fingerprint browsers can all be used Yes, and the price to use is not expensive, and the price/performance ratio is very high, which can save users a lot of expenses, so the BitFingerprint browser is recommended.
The anti-fingerprint browser is still very good and has many uses, but users still need to choose a suitable fingerprint browser, the effect will be better!