What does browser fingerprinting mean? How to prevent browse

Time: 2023-02-11 17:05 Author: 指纹浏览器管理员 Click:

When you visit a website, the website uses special scripts to collect information (browser version, time zone, default language, etc.). This is your browser fingerprint. Browser fingerprinting helps websites accurately identify you.

What does fingerprint browser mean?
Browser fingerprinting (also known as device fingerprinting or online fingerprinting) is a tracking technique used by websites to collect information about you.
Modern website functionality requires the use of scripts (sets of instructions) to tell the browser what to do. When you are online, the script will silently identify and collect relevant information about the device and browser you are using in the background, and combine these information to form a unique online fingerprint, called your browser fingerprint. .
How Fingerprint Browser Works
The browsers we use today have built-in software capabilities that understand APIs. Website scripts help websites render videos and photos to improve user experience. So directly disabling the script will directly cause the website to crash and become unusable.
Browser fingerprinting is shared by many website owners and advertisers to track users and collect user information. Websites may use the following technologies for online fingerprinting:
(1) Canvas fingerprinting: Canvas fingerprinting uses the HTML5 canvas element to force the user's browser to draw images or text. This happens invisibly in the background so the user doesn't realize it. However, the exact way browsers render images/text provides details about font styles, graphics cards, drivers, web browsers and operating systems. Canvas fingerprinting is one of the most widely used digital fingerprinting techniques.
(2) WebGL fingerprinting and rendering fingerprinting: Like canvas fingerprinting, these two technologies allow the user's browser to render images off-screen and use these images to identify the hardware and graphics of the device.
(3) Device fingerprinting: Device fingerprinting is usually used synonymously with browser fingerprinting, and it also refers to a specific technology that displays a list of all media devices (and their IDs) on the user's PC. This includes internal media components such as audio and video cards, and connected devices such as headphones.
(4) Audio fingerprint: Audio fingerprint is not to force the browser to render images, but to test how the device plays sound. The generated sound waves provide information about the device's audio stack, including specifications about drivers, sound hardware, and software.
Therefore, if the browser fingerprint is compromised, the identity of the user is also compromised. Bit Fingerprint Browser helps protect your online security by spoofing your browser fingerprint.
How to prevent browser fingerprinting?
You can use a browser with built-in fingerprint protection function (bit fingerprint browser). Bit Fingerprint Browser prevents all known forms of browser fingerprinting, provides a high degree of privacy without breaking websites, and provides the best experience without sacrificing privacy.
Bit fingerprint browser will update the fingerprint library every week. Through the strict intrusion prevention detection of multiple mainstream fingerprint websites, it can safely and efficiently break through the risk control detection of global mainstream website platforms. Adapt and improve web pages to the operational needs of most industries on the Internet.